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Frequently asked questions

Select your dates, then view the list of available rooms to see if breakfast options are available.
Unfortunately, there’s no restaurant at Vida d’Chette.
To find out what’s near Vida d’Chette, click the link below.
Vida d’Chette doesn’t have a swimming pool.
This property doesn’t have BBQ facilities.
✓ Check-in from 15:00 to 21:00 ✓ Check-out until 10:00
If you’d like to request an early or late check-in or check-out, you can make a special request when you book.
Note: Special requests can’t be guaranteed. If early or late check-in or check-out is essential to your travel plans, check the cancellation options before booking.
Unfortunately, there’s no parking at Vida d’Chette. However, there is a paid, secured parking facility across the road that guests may utilise.
Unfortunately, there’s no spa or wellness center at Vida d’Chette.
There are rooms with a private bathroom at Vida d’Chette.
Select your dates to be sure of availability.
Vida d’Chette doesn’t have rooms with a hot tub.
There is a paid, secured parking facility across the road that guests may utilise.
Vida d’Chette offers the following activities/services (charges may apply):
Vida d’Chette has 1 bedroom

Vida d’Chette 416 is 1.4 km from the center of Cape Town. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

Check-in at Vida d’Chette 416 is from 3:00 PM, and check-out is until 10:00 AM.

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